Now small intro of what we actually do!
We are a group of working professionals. We do not claim to be the best developers out there, but we do our best to contribute to different opensource projects that we feel we can contribute. We also try to spot anyone interesting who can be part of that pool as we go along, we are always on the lookout for talents.
We are mostly interested in hacking/coding, we love doing it, and we want to help others who share the same passion to reach their full potential.
We enjoy contributing patches/fixes/software upstream to the various opensource systems, for the betterment of technology, though, we all like to see it as serving mankind directly or indirectly (or simply just because someone or ourselves need it)
We aim to share the passion of problem solving and programming to the newer generation of Mauritian hackers, we want to train and push the limit of the Mauritian programmers. We believe that such a step represents a great opportunity for the whole island, as after all, imagine how beneficial it is for the economy itself if we can somewhat provide a way to guide younger developers in their very early steps. Investors will also be happy about it.
Drop that image of the lonesome hacker, coding in his basement or in his room.Let's change that! Let's be a strong team, let's hack together around lots of pizzas, more discussions and beer.
Where is the catch?
Well for one we don't charge anything, this is purely for the benefit of Developers, so many developers contributing to different opensource projects out there, some are even free as in gratis, nobody cares for the benefits of these individuals who gave their time for some users. With hackers.mu at-least we do get some fun together, opensource developers from different countries can just meet us up if they are around. Hopefully as time goes by, we can have multiple hackers.mu places all over the world . A Safe haven for Developers.
As time went by, some members have shown interest in monetizing hackers.mu. We at hackers.mu believe that we have a sacred mission in educating our youngsters. We have invited those users who do not believe in our philosophy to feel free to move out. We may have been reduced to fewer members, but we still value our original aims.